SD RX-93 Nu Gundam Papercraft ver. MIWDesigner: SD-PP Model Design ThailandBuilder: SD-PP Model Design ThailandThis model was designed by Miw (or SD-PP Model Design Thailand). This is the first time I share Miw's model, so I want to say something about him. Miw is a Thailand designer who has created many SD papercraft models. You can visit his...
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Hello everyone, I've just realized that up till now, most of my posts are about Gundam Papercraft. As a guy, I do like robot papercraft, and Gundam is the best of them. But today I have something new to share with you. This one is also a Robot papercraft, but from a different franchise: Transformers. Today papercraft is the leader of the Autobots: Optimus...
Thursday, February 13, 2020
As I wrote about mjh1029 (Zp)'s model: Go-Saurer in my last post, I will continue to write about another model of him: SD Delta Plus papercraft.
SD Delta Plus Papercraft ver. Zp
Designer: mjh1029 (Zp)
Builder: mjh1029 (Zp)Original post: Click here(Please press SKIP THIS AD, Sorry if it bothers you)
mjh1029 is sharing this...